NCCCA is a Registered Community Housing Provider, Registration Number R4779150310.

Our Community Housing consists of 9 units and provides seniors with a safe and connected community that offers hope for the future.

The administration office for our Community Housing is located at 2 Mount View Road, Cessnock and the opening hours are 9am to 5pm.


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The Registrar of Community Housing

The Registrar of Community Housing (RCH) goal is to ensure community housing that meets:

  • The housing needs of tenants
  • Government and investor requirements.

One of the registrar’s most important responsibilities is to investigate complaints people make against community housing providers.

A tenant may contact RCH for if they are unhappy with the outcome of a complaint made to NCCCA or are concerned about NCCCA’s compliance with community housing legislation.

Registrar of Community Housing
PO Box 2236
Burwood North NSW 2134

Phone: 1800 330 940
Fax: (02) 8741 2522

The Housing Appeals Committee

The Housing Appeals Committee (HAC) is an independent agency that deals with appeals from people unhappy about a decision of their community housing provider.

HAC is a free, informal and accessible service.

A tenant may contact HAC if they wish to appeal a decision made by their community housing provider.

Free call: 1800 629 794
Phone: (02) 8741 2555
Fax: (02) 8741 2566

Visit the HAC website for more information.